Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I mentioned in my "Thankful" post that I have two big, beautiful jasmine trees, one of which was about to flower. Natal has these trees in giant form all over the city, and they flower all year long. If you have never smelled a jasmine flower you are seriously missing out. I never in my life saw a plant and thought "I have to have that," not until I saw/smelled jasmine, that is. Each day new buds have bloomed and I just love it so much I wanted to share my cheer with you! I'm no photographer, but I hope you can enjoy the pictures as much as I do!


Jamie S said...


Rosalinda said...

Hey, I read your blog! Thanks for writing! And your jasmine flowers look like the frangipani we had in Botswana. Oh, how I miss that heavenly smell!

Looking forward to your next post...