Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This is where the missing starts

I can think of two times in the past three years that I have used this blog to link to something else that I thought was worth your time. Once was to show a YouTube video of a cute baby who bites his older brother's finger then laughs about it, and the second was to share a link to my friend Brent's blog on how much he misses Mexican food while living in Armenia volunteering with the Peace Corps. So, it's safe to say pretty much never do I share external links. I guess I figure that those of you who read this blog are reading to hear how things are going here in Natal, and not to know what videos I think are funny (although that one of the baby is pretty funny...you should watch it) or what political commentaries I'm following as of late. That's what Facebook and Twitter are for. :)

So, in my reasoning, if a person almost never does something, then one day does that thing, there must be a reason. My aforementioned friend, Brent, has been in Armenia for 16 months. I've followed his blog since he arrived as we have had a lot of the same cross-cultural adjustment experiences. Recently, his mom got to be his first visitor. After 16 months of seeing his mom through a computer screen, he was able to spend a week with her, showing her off to Armenia and showing Armenia off to her.

Please take 5 minutes to read the post he wrote about that time. He beautifully, eloquently captures the love, joy, and excitement that I believe all of us who live away from our loved ones feel that first time we are reunited with them away from "home." You won't regret it. And you might cry a little.

Read Brent's post by clicking here.


Mark and Kelly said...

Beautiful. You're right, I am crying.

Michael Dodson said...

I will agree with him wholeheartedly. Thanks, Cris for pointing us to this. I haven't been able to be abroad for long periods of time, but when you leave part of your heart in a place with wonderful people, you have to go back and be with that part of you heart (and hope that one day you can take your family to meet the rest of your "family" abroad too).

Brent said...

That is just about the nicest reference I've ever gotten. I follow your blog for the same reasons, Cris jan, AND I feel after all of this blog following, there might just be an Armenian speaking, still world-chasing visitor at your Brazilian door ready to hang out with an old friend and meet some new ones... one f these days. Thanks, friend.

Jamie S said...

Yep, cried.