A whole week after I wrote my Thanksgiving thankfulness post, I've thought of a bevy of other things to be thankful for, so since this is my blog and I can't sleep I decided to continue. Here goes...
I am also thankful for:
- my apartment. I could easily describe this apartment as a dream come true. It sounds like I'm making this up, but not a week goes by that at some point as I'm flicking off a light switch or closing the windows for the night I don't think "I LOVE MY HOUSE." It's true. I dreamed for 1.5 years of living in a place big enough to host church gatherings (like the one pictured below) and church sleepovers and have a kitchen big and efficient enough to actually enjoy cooking in it. God provided all of those things, and I feel BLESSED.
- my students/readers. They really bring a lot of joy to my life, not only because of the funny things they say, but because of the conversations we get to have about Jesus. The help me to see His story with a fresh perspective.
- Mexican food. I feel it deserves to be on the list again. I especially am thankful for the avocados that make guacamole, the tortillas that make chips, and the tomatoes and spices that make salsa.
- fruit. Living in Brazil makes you appreciate fruit, because there is just so much of it, and so many different kinds that don't seem to exist anywhere else. And the fruit juices...oh the fruit juices. That's a whole other item...
- fruit juices. There.
- the beach. I've never been much of a beach lover, because I always found it a bit too sandy for my taste, but I've learned to appreciate it since living in a city with some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. Here's my favorite, Ponta Negra: (This is where I spent Thanksgiving, by the way. And this is not a professional photo. It's just that pretty.)
- the book of Philippians. I really love that epistle. Not sure how to make this not be blue and underlined.
- pictures like this one (Mom please don't kill me.):
This photo was taken on one of my last days in the US in April. My mom and I had a twice-daily battle with the family cat, Scout, to squirt medicine into her mouth. This was the only way she couldn't get away. We liked to sing "Magnificat" (just now realized the 'cat' in there...we sang it because it's Mary's song) while holding Scout this way. She did not find it as amusing as we did.
- special friends in Natal whom I have gotten to know by just being a part of the neighborhood. I mentioned my doormen in the last post, but I am also thankful for Neide and Meyre, my two favorite bakery cashiers, Rosa, the girl who does my nails, Percy, the guy who cuts my hair, Chagas, the guy who sells me drinking water, and Souza, the best dune buggy driver in the world (pictured below.)
Hi there,
just to give you some encouragement. I stumbled across your blog a few months back and enjoy it so much I have it on my igoogle page. Love the pictures love the content!
Have been looking at Brazil for sometime with the ultimate goal of moving there permenantly to do mission work!
So to add to your Thaankful post: I'm thankful for your blogs ....
- They keep me motivated to work towards missionary work there.
- They help me to understand the Brazilian culture in preparation
- Gives points to pray for and a burden for the Brazilian people.
- Confirms my belief that the area of Brazil that God wants me in is the North East.
Keep up the great work!
Tim (N. Ireland, UK)
It seems like your life in Brazil is wonderful and very blessed! Just wanted to let you know that I still love reading your blog! I just don't usually comment because I get behind on all of my blog reading, so sometimes I don't read posts until you have several newer ones. Also, Cris, I don't comment on many blogs because I put too much pressure on myself to write a witty reply or the perfect words of encouragement... so I just don't put anything! But know that I'm always reading!
I saw that picture of everyone gathered in your apt, and I got one of those estou-com-tantas-saudades-i-wish-was-there feelings and almost shed a few tears. Seriously. Tears. All you have to do is put up a picture and the waterworks (almost) begin. Not much else does that. Have fun being pshycological with that.
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