With Sergio's help, we decided to plan a party to celebrate the "end of the LST year." In June the normal 6-week project LST team will arrive (coincidentally, a team that just so happens to include MY PARENTS!) and "begin" the LST year. Also, a week from today, I will travel to the United States for two weeks to be a bridesmaid in one of my college roommates' weddings and spend a short time with my family. So, it just seemed like an opportune time to have a blowout. And a blowout it was!
About 25 readers and 20 church members showed up on Saturday afternoon for American birthday party food (Doritos, Cheetos, M&Ms, Coke, cake, cookies, you know, the good stuff) and some good old fashioned American birthday party games (Duck Duck Goose and Telephone...ok, so American CHILDREN'S birthday party games.) It was an absolute blast, and everyone genuinely had a great time. The party was supposed to last from 4 until around 7, but at 8 we were still having a good time eating and talking. Coincidentally, my birthday is the 14th (tomorrow), so given that a birthday party is the easiest kind of American party to plan from Brazil, it inadvertently became MY birthday party as well as a celebration of the LST year. It was all good, though, because several readers who no longer study with me made a special effort to come when they found out we were celebrating my birthday. It was exhausting but such a blast. I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck, but it was totally worth it. It got a lot of momentum going for the weekly parties the LST team will have in June and July, and it got the church members excited to participate. All in all I'd call it a success. Now, if I don't have to plan another party until next Thanksgiving, I'll be just fine! Below are a few pictures of the party, and the rest can be found here. Enjoy!
The rest of the pictures.
can you email me please? i am thinking of moving to natal soon , and i want some info, my email is. daveworkoutone@yahoo.co.uk ok, by by.
I have read your blog for a while… I found it when I googled about Natal.
How long are you going to stay in Brazil and Natal?
I wonder if you know anyone who can teach me Portuguese private and how much it costs. Do you know anything about samba and Capoiera to? I am going to stay in Natal for 3 month or little longer.
Therese, Sweden
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